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Mastiha 101 - Benefits and Uses of this Ancient Greek Superpower

Resin dripping from Mastic Tree
Resin dripping from Mastic Tree

The Greek island of Chios is unofficially known as “Mastiha Island". For millennia, it has been known to grow a unique range of products, including mastiha (mastic), an aromatic resin produced by mastic trees.

Mastiha Benefits and Uses - First Mentioned in the 5th century BC

Herodotus, the fabled Greek Historian, first makes mention of Mastiha on Chios in the 5th century BC. He describes the iconic trees that grew on the island, and how the ancient Greeks collected their resin and chewed it, for pleasure and good hygiene. Mastiha is arguably the first chewing gum in history.

Mastic Trees in Chios Greece
Mastic Trees, Chios, Greece

Ancient Discovery

Hippocrates, the ancient Greek Doctor, praised Mastiha for its natural antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial properties. Further, Mastiha was known early on as a naturally effective prescription for those suffering from stomach and digestion problems, even oral infections.

Villagers harvest Mastic Tears
Harvesting Mastic Tears

How it's Harvested

This natural sap drips from the trunk of the mastic tree five years or so after being planted. While this tree is found throughout the Mediterranean, it's on Chios where it truly thrives, in wide abundance. So much so that the south side of the island itself is home to 24 Mastihochoria (fortress-like, mastic villages) dating back centuries.

The mastic cultivation process goes back to antiquity. In 2014, it was inscribed

in UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Men and women of all ages participate in the different stages of mastic cultivation, making it a social event that brings together the members of the community. Mastic drips in thick, liquid tears onto the ground, which then crystalize over 3 weeks. The largest tears are picked up first, and stored in a wooden box. The smaller ones are usually cleaned with special machines and stored in a cool place.

Elderly woman harvesting Mastic Tears
Chios Locals harvesting Mastic Tears

Benefits & Uses

  • Mastiha has some of the most antiviral properties known to humans. It’s been proven to heal everything from stomach ulcers to glaucoma.

  • Largely, Mastiha is best known for cleansing our bodies of a not-so-good bacteria called h.pylori, which is known to impact the stomach, intestines and mouth.

  • The flavour of Mastiha can be polarizing as it tastes a touch earthy.

  • In our modern world, Mastiha is often developed into gum form, and is used as a breath freshener.

  • Its powers have also even been applied to skincare products, which are scientifically proven to reduce inflammation and irritation.

  • You can use it in your cooking, almost as you would an herb, after crushing it with a mortar and pestle. Make with breads, biscuits and cakes, even sauces, dressings, marmalades and other delicacies.

  • Its healing qualities are without side effects for dermatitis and skin discoloration; and is also frequently used to treat post-operative wounds.

Woman pouring Sparkling Water into cocktail glass
Mastic Sparkling Water Used for Cocktail

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